Saturday, October 22, 2005

Accountants / Lawyers Do yourself a Favor - What do Your Customers Want?


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Accountants / Lawyers Do yourself a Favor - What do Your Customers Want?

Author: Philip Lye

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Accountants / Lawyers Do yourself a Favor - What do Your Customers Want?
by Philip Lye
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In my day to day practice in assisting small business I often come across customers looking for a 'good' accountant or a 'good lawyer'. As an accountant myself the common thread for a 'good acountant or good lawyer' seems to be 'I want someone who can explain things in plain english without the jargon'. This simplicity of service and communications can grow your business and ensure that you never need to look for more work! And the sad fact is that there are many practioners that just don't deliver.

So what makes a 'good accountant or good lawyer'?

People from all walks of life are looking for someone they can trust with their hard earnt money and that gives advice that can be understood. They aren't interested in Part IVA, debt defeasance, estopel and other industry terms or jargon and they are willing to pay for your common sense understandable services.

From Professionals to Blue Collar Workers it is a common question that I am asked 'Where can I go for common sense advice, where can I go and who can I trust?

Sadly, even amongst the largest service firms to the private practitioner there appears to be a dearth of pratical practitioners.

Where are they you ask? Where indeed!

The sad fact is that many hide behind their memberships and qualifications. Before you think this is all esoteric may I remind you that I am a qualified accountant and a beleiver in the profession having worked in banking, finance and commerce for 20 years before strategic human resource management advising.

Here are some points to ponder and ask yourself if you are in the accounting or professional field ?

1. What do my customers really want? - In my experience, most customers want reassurance, want to be listened to and feel that you are there to help them and they will pay for this service.

2. Do you care? - you show you care by how you resond to their questions and to how you remember even the small things that are important to them.

3. Do you give them time? - we are all working at a hectic pace today, however customers want your time and will pay for it.

4. Do you follow up with them? - I recently engaged a firm of lawyers for a customer of mine. The customer rang me after seeing the lawyer and said how impressed they were. Why? - they hadn't seen the principal (this firm had 30 partners), however the principal had rung the next day to see whether they were being looked after. The firm now has a client for life.

5. Be practical - send a card, ring occasionally and factor this in to your pricing.

In a world of rapid change the one thing that people appreciate is the personal touch. Your business, accounting, law or other services business can be exciting, inspiring and profitable.

Its' really not that hard - it just takes some effort, kindness and a customer focussed outlook.

You can build your practice and enjoy the journey and the fruits of your labor. The choice is mine, the choice is yours.

For other helpful articles to help your business visit

Keywords: accountants lawyers customers jargon commonsense

About the Author
Philip Lye, Brisbane
Learn more about accountants lawyers customers jargon
Philip Lye is Director of Biz Momentum Pty Ltd. He works with small to medium businesses to help them cut through the maze of people matters. Clients get specific actionable strategies to protect their business interests. For more information on Philip, visit and subscribe to his free monthly e-zine.


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