Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bookkeeping Techniques For "Morons"


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Bookkeeping Techniques For "Morons"

Author: Julia Tang

Please don't think I am calling you a "moron" to hurt your feelings in any way. I was a moron when I first started setting up my files. You have to force yourself to do it NOW -- right at the beginning! Many of a business has collapsed simply because they lacked organization in their basic accounting business practices. Don't be one of them!

As a small business you don't have to really do much in the beginning. Here is how to set up your files from ground zero:

1. Take out a hanging file folder and a label of any kind. (Hanging folders and labels for them can be purchased at K-Mart, Wal-Mart and any office supply store.)

2. Type or hand print "Receipts" on the label and place it on the hanging folder.

3. Now, place 5 MANILA file folders inside the hanging file folder (which you labeled "Receipts") and label each of the manila file folders with the following headings:

a. Advertising
b. Postage
c. Office Supplies
d. Utilities and Rent for the Office
e. Miscellaneous

You now have one large hanging file folder with 5 separate manila file folders inside it. Carefully place your hanging file folder in your metal file cabinet or cardboard banker's box. (A banker's box can be purchased at any office supply store also and normally cost around $4.)

Now, wasn't that easy? Some of you reading this will think that I am attempting to insult your intelligence. This is NOT my intention. This report is broken down in a simple, step-by-step way so everybody can understand it -- regardless of their previous knowledge and experience. Remember, some people have never worked in an office their entire life. What seems simple and accepted to some of us, may be something another person would never have known.

Okay, let's go back to where we were. You now have one master file completed and we're ready to make another just like it. This time we'll name the hanging file folder "Income" and label 3 manila folders inside it with the following headings: a. Completed and Shipped Orders b. Inquiries and Correspondence c. Open Orders Still Pending

See how easy? From now on, you simply make another folder as the need arrives and you're files will always be easy to maintain. (Once you get this concept down pat -- you can easily think about getting a computer. A computer organizes its information in the SAME manner. Believe me -- this same system works! You'll be amazed at how many mistakes it will help you prevent.)

Yes -- bookkeeping is a very simple process. All you have to do is keep the system going. For instance, every order that I process, I completely finish before moving on to the next order. Example:

1. Mail is received and opened. As each piece is opened it is placed into individual piles. Orders with pre-payment are placed in one pile, information and daily correspondence in another, and so forth.

2. Each order that has been pre-paid for is processed first -- with each one being processed individually to completion. (That means it is in an envelope, a label typed out and the completed order is ready to be mailed at the post office.)

3. During the process, the "date," "amount of check or payment" and "product ordered" is recorded on the outside of the envelope -- making sure the customer's full name, address and telephone number (if available) is on the envelope too.

4. Just before closing up the office for the evening, the envelopes are then keyed into the database on our computer (you can substitute a computer for the hanging files in the beginning.) We record all the information that was written on the envelopes during the processing of the order. (Don't think you will remember "what" the order was. That thinking will open you up to make human errors.)

If you operate an Internet business, you are going to use computer and email a lot. You need do following:

1. Create different folder in your computer, name it with different resources: marketing, search engine tools, articles and tips, ebooks, ezine lists, picture files...

2. Create folders in your email account, you can save useful emails for different purpose: training, sales, purchase receipt, new customers, prospects... As your business grows, your understanding and abilities will grow also. At that time you can grow into a more sophisticated means of keeping the books.

In the meantime -- keep good records. They are the lifeblood of any business and can eventually make or break you. You'll thank yourself in the long run.

Julia Tang publishes Smart Online Business Tips, a fresh
and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people
like you! To find out the best online business opportunities,
and to discover hundreds more proven and practical internet
marketing secrets, plus FREE internet marketing products
worth over $200, visit:

Note: Feel free to publish it with the resource box and content unchanged ...

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Accounting Nightmare at the FTC


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Accounting Nightmare at the FTC

Author: Lance Winslow

Most government agencies cannot pass an audit of their expenses. I can vouch for that and have been a long-time advocate; that the government follow the same rules they force on business. Walk the Walk; In 1990 Bush Sr. signed The Chief Financial Officer�s Act. The Act called for 14 cabinet level departments and 10 major agencies to appoint CFOs and try to emulate business and accounting standards used in publicly held corporations. The act and other financial reform legislation that followed, required that 24 agencies produce auditable Financial Statements. Guess what?

In 2000 ten years after the act was the first year that all 24 agencies filed their statements on time. In 2002 there were 13 programs of 6 agencies with discrepancies of 20.7 Billion dollars. Those heads of those agencies should be prosecuted along with Arthur Anderson, the Shredders and any Enron people who are found guilty. The Justice Department has been unaudited or did not receive a clean opinion on their financial statements from 1996-2001. Don�t you think they should get their own house in order before attacking business? I think so.

These agencies waste money and haphazardly go about their business. Many feel they are crooks; read CFO Magazine March 2002 issue article entitled �FEDERAL OFFENSES.� We are not making this up, this is unfortunate, but accurate stuff. Let�s take the FTC for instance which amongst other things requires all franchise companies to have audited financial statements to prove their worthiness to consumers, yet their own agency cannot produce proof that they have their books in order. How dare such agencies wave their mighty flag at American Business who has built this great nations. How dare they condemn the only group who can bring us out of recession and maintain us after we emerge, how dare they hide behind their piles of BS and budget woes swept under the Justice Department logo�ed carpet and stacks of bogus paperwork.

Is this the best the Federal Trade Commission can do? Is this the best they can offer as they label business people fraudsters and crooks? Is this the best they can do as they file lawsuits against the entrepreneurs of America? Well quite frankly this is just not good enough. Time to downsize; think about it?

By Lance Winslow


Accounting Nightmare at the FTC
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Accounting for Affiliate Marketers


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Accounting for Affiliate Marketers

Author: Charles Waters

If you are an affiliate marketer, then you are in business. Therefore, you should treat it like a business. Keep in mind that Linkshare, Clickbank, Commission Junction and all the other affiliate marketplaces are going to report your earnings to the IRS.

Each of them requires that you provide a Social Security Number or EIN number when you apply with them. These numbers are used to report your earnings. At the end of the year, you'll receive a 1099 form which is the IRS earnings document given to Independent Contractors.

Since you have to pay taxes on your income, you should take care to make sure that your income is properly calculate. Remember, gross adjusted income is going to be the total amount that you earned - your expenses. For this reason, you really need to keep track of all of your affiliate marketing expenses.

Keep receipts and track all the following:

* Web Hosting Costs

* Affiliate marketing tools (such as your WordTracker membership fees, the cost of products like Adwords Analyzer, etc.)

* Any PPC advertising that you purchase.

Don't do as I have been prone to do and wait til the end of the year before you start putting these numbers together. You'll forget many and you won't be able to gain access to others.

For example, with PPC advertising, Google seems to keep records online forever. Great. But Overture only keeps the last 90 days and you can't - I repeat - You CAN'T get those records older than 90 days. (Ask me how I know :(

Getting receipts means that you'll have to think ahead. When you buy something online, print the receipt page. When you subscribe to a service that may pull a fee from your checking account or credit card account on a monthly basis, make sure to opt in to any e-mail notification of transactions that you might be able to get.

Print everything out and put it in a folder for that years tax records. You won't regret it when tax season comes along.

You will also get a much better picture of how much money you're earning. I think a lot of affiliate marketers brag about their checks, but conveniently forget that out of the $10,000.00 they earned last month, they spent $8,000.00 for PPC advertising, $27.00 for Wordtracker, $100.00 for their web host, ect, etc, reducing their actual profit to enough to buy some bubble gum.

There's great software that makes all of this easier of course. Quicken or MS Money Home and Business editions or PeachTree accounting would all make the whole process of tracking these numbers much less painful.

Finally, there are real benefits (and some costs) to incorporating yourself. Incorporating changes the tax rules and create scenarios that let you put more of your profit into your pocket. They also help to shield you from liability. I'm not a lawyer, so I'd recommend talking to an tax law lawyer. I incorporated in Florida and the entire expense was about $495.00.

Charles Waters discovered affiliate marketing in 2003 and has never looked back. He operates several successful websites, including The Affiliates Home


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